Coordinate artistic programming in the new climate regime
⬤ CooProg features
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Do good to our planet
Lower the carbon footprint of artistic and audience mobilities
Get inspiration and promote your projects
shared projects
Cooprog Is ...
a platform conceived as a free and open-source common good,
to allow programmers to share and identify converging projects,
to achieve time- and geography-efficient touring
with the aim to limit the ecological footprint of performing arts.
⬤ Stakes and Values
Keeping the increase in global temperature well below 2°C is at the heart of what we do, in line with IPCC recommendations and the legal framework of the Paris Agreement;
The cultural sector has its part to play through the development of a sustainability infrastructure in the arts world;
Slower, territorialised and better coordinated are the new pillars of greener arts programming;
Because individual actions are insufficient, only coordinated systemic change to lower the sector’s carbon footprint will yield the necessary significant results;
Intercultural exchange and the richness and diversity of artistic creation are core values that need to be safeguarded;
The conditions for sustainable regional, national and international artist mobility need to be improved;
CooProg, a tool for coordinated programming in the new Climate Regime, is:
an open source and free platform
a tool to share project ideas and decide on programming in a coordinated way
a safe space to freely share ideas on a reciprocal basis
a decentralised tool, with users deciding what to share