
General Information
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CooProg is a platform designed to share programming ideas between programmers, in a self-managed and unmoderated space. New user registrations are subject to a registration process managed by Onda. This simply consists of checking that the applications received come from people with a programming function in the structure they have indicated.

During the CooProg launch phase, scheduled to run until March 2024, people who programme live performances in structures located in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland will be able to register. This initial phase will enable the platform to be evaluated and any necessary adjustments to be identified before it is scaled up. In the future, the plan is for CooProg to be accessible to programmers from all countries, on all continents. In the meantime, we invite colleagues in other countries/regions of the world to let us know that they are interested in deploying CooProg in their region by contacting us (via the "contact" form accessible on the home page of this site).

Please note: only one user account will be validated per programming structure. You can share the same account with several people within your organisation. All you need to do is define the name that will be attached to the account and the email address that will be used by CooProg, then share the login details with your team.

Welcome to CooProg!